RADD Training recognises that promoting equality and diversity is essential to deliver quality, culturally appropriate training and support services to all sections of the community for which we serve. We are committed to practices that offer equality of opportunity to all colleagues, learners and service users.
It is RADD Training policy that no applicant, learner, colleague or service user, receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of their:
- Race, Colour, Ethnicity or Origin
- Ability or Disability
- Gender, Gender Re-assignment Status
- Sexual Orientation
- Marital Status
- Religion
- Age
- Beliefs, Non-Beliefs
- Pregnancy or maternity
RADD Training embraces the diversity of colleagues, learners and service users and endeavours to support the individual needs wherever possible. We recognise that inequality exists within society and that some sections of society continue to receive less favourable treatment and are limited in access to opportunities based upon the above characteristics.
In some cases, the primary causes of inequality are direct discrimination i.e. prejudice, hatred, oppressive practice and lack of awareness being common contributor. This can lead to institutional barriers whereby the policies, procedures, systems and processes of an organisation systematically restrict or have an adverse effect to people receiving fair and equitable treatment.
Each colleague, learner and service user of RADD Training has a right to dignity, respect and fairness and this is extended across all the services that RADD Training deliver. We at RADD Training are committed to improving the working lives of colleagues, learners and service users and will not tolerate violence, abuse or harassment. We at RADD Training actively encourage colleagues and learners to report any incident, however trivial it may seem, so it can be investigated in detail, giving the accused the opportunity to fully explain the situation that arose. After due consideration, if the staff member is found in breach of this policy, proportionate action will be taken. This may include verbal or written warnings or dismissal.
This policy compliments RADD Training’ values and beliefs and indicates our firm commitment to eradicate discrimination whether direct or indirect and to ensure equality of opportunity for all. Our commitment applies across the full spectrum of the community.
Policy Statement
RADD Training will:
Provide a non-discriminatory high standard of service to all our colleagues, service users and learners and operate within legislation without compromise.
Consult, develop, plan and deliver services that are accessible to all our colleagues, service users and learners and with reasonable adjustment, be responsive to their needs and preferences.
Use influence to promote equality through all the services and practices and ensure that all forms of harassment and discrimination are challenged.
Make informed and fair decisions in relation to recruitment, promotion and training. The decisions are made according to core competencies.
General Procedures
RADD Training has the responsibility for the development of strategies, resources and structures to deliver the Equal Opportunities Policy through the leadership of RADD Training. All decisions and proposed changes to services will be considered for the potential adverse impact on RADD Training and colleagues, service users and learners’ equality.
RADD Training will review the views of colleagues, service users and learners and will take these into account in shaping and developing future services. This includes the provision of reasonable adjustment and communications.
Equality and diversity is an organisational function and colleagues, service users and learners are responsible for ensuring the pro-active delivery and progress of equalities and diversity through communication and networking.
RADD Training Managing director is responsible for ensuring:
- Implementation and monitoring of RADD Training Policies
- All colleagues, service users and learners are aware of and comply with the standards expected within this policy.
- The measures of awareness, understanding and delivery of RADD Training equalities commitment.
- Dignity and respect for all colleagues, service users and learners.
- That they confront and take appropriate action against incidents or behaviour that does not meet the standards of RADD Training policies.
Staff Involvement
RADD Training will involve all colleagues, service users and learners and support them in the development and delivery of equalities and diversity. This may include consultation, email, verbal communication, internet and networking sessions.
All colleagues, service users and learners have a personal responsibility for ensuring that they work in a positive and non-discriminatory manner with all service users and colleagues.
Training and Development
RADD Training’s Managing director recognises the value of all colleagues, service users and learners and will support colleagues, service users and learners to deliver the values and principles of equality, individuality and diversity. RADD Training will identify the knowledge and skills required to deliver ethnic and culturally sensitive services across all aspects and where necessary provide training to enhance confidence and understanding.
RADD Training colleagues will receive training in RADD Training policies and procedures and acknowledge their responsibilities under these.
Harassment Procedures
RADD Training takes all allegations of harassment very seriously and has policies in place for the reporting and managing incidents of harassment, bullying, intimidation and discrimination.
It is the right of all colleagues, service users and learners to be treated with consideration and operate in an environment free from harassment, bullying, intimidation and discrimination. This is made through written policies and respective training.
Reviewed June 2024