Reasonable Adjustments and special considerations


This policy is use by RADD Training to ensure we deal with all reasonable adjustment and special consideration requests in a consistent manner and in accordance with the relevant awarding organisation requirements.

Centre Responsibility

To ensure the following:

  • Every learner is given the opportunity to achieve the qualification/unit without changing the assessment criteria or achievements.
  • Identification of learners who require reasonable adjustments prior to the delivery of the course.
  • Where identification of a learner who requires, reasonable adjustments, RADD Training will apply to the relevant awarding organisation for approval if required (see individual guidance provided by different awarding organisations).
  • Where reasonable adjustment is approved, make necessary provision, however ensuring that assessment demand is not lowered.
  • Inform Internal Quality Assurer of learners on a qualification that are completing the assessment using a particular reasonable adjustment method.
  • Maintain accurate records of learners with reasonable adjustments as this will be monitored through the External Quality Assurance system.
  • Supply information to the relevant awarding organisation on the use of reasonable adjustments with learners as requested.

Review Arrangements

We will review the policy annually as part of our self-evaluation arrangements and revise it as and when necessary in response to customer and learner feedback, changes in our practices, actions from the regulatory authorities or external agencies or changes in legislation.

Reviewed June 2024